Thursday, October 9, 2008

Time flies...

I realize it is October, practically the middle of the month actually. So, it might seem untimely to be posting pictures from the first day of school. But, I didn't start this blog back in August, when it really was the first day of school, so here are a couple shots of the kids as they got ready to shake off the last of their summer vacations and head back to school.
Olivia started 6th grade this year, and I will admit, without shame, that I cried a little. Next year, she will be at the high school with me..and I have been teaching long enough now that I have seen the kids come in to 7th grade, and then faster than you can blink your eyes, they are graduating. Wasn't it only yesterday that she was crawling around on the floor with big brown wide eyes, amazed at everything that crossed her path?

And Darren...our little guy started 3rd grade this year. Hard to believe how much he has grown. He brings so much joy in to all of our lives with his infectious giggle...anyone who has spent time with him knows exactly what I mean. He worked really hard all summer at his occupational therapy sessions and there is definite improvement in his fine motor skills. He also worked hard at swimming lessons and learned how to swim right before we left for our week in Cancun. He has a long way to go, but it is so encouraging to see Darren making progress in some of his delays. Now if I could just get him to keep his eyes open for a picture!

1 comment:

Our Complete Family said...

I can't believe O is in the 6th grade this year! That is when I met you! I was in England w/ you before that, but went to Beck Row. Good gosh she is making me feel OLD!!! Hey, we can tell her all about our funky 6th grade trends and she will be all set for 80's Halloween girl!!! I'm loving the blog hun! xo