Sunday, October 26, 2008

A small distraction...

I know I have been a bit neglectful about updating my blog; life gets in the way sometimes. It has been a busy couple weeks and it looks to continue to be that way. But, this is my favorite time of the year...I love Thanksgiving and Christmas, and November is just around the corner!
So, for the past week, I have been hobbling around like an invalid. Not to be outdone by my old junior high buddy Leslie, I took a small spill as we were leaving the stadium at the Penn State/Michigan game 2 weekends ago. I have had a weak left ankle for years now, and it just gave out on me as we were headed to our car. Unfortunately, when I fell, I injured more than just my ankle. I landed really hard on my right knee and smacked it off the pavement. Imagine the scene as more than 110,000 people are trying to exit the stadium! There were lots of drunk people at that game, but I can honestly say that I was stone cold sober when I fell! Guess that's how I earned the nickname Klutzman, a play off my maiden name, Stutzman, when I was in college. It's a week later and my ankle is still a tiny bit swollen, but I am in much better shape. I wore an aircast for a couple of days and my students got a good giggle at my expense as I hobbled around the classroom.
Even though I was on the injured reserve list this week, I still found the energy to try a little seasonal craft. It's a lame attempt, but with my schedule, it's the best I could do. I am up at 5 every day during the week, and my head usually doesn't hit the pillow most nights until around midnight. Some days I walk around in a drowsy haze. Anyway, I found these little black tins at Wal-Mart for a dollar and just used some paint and ribbon I had in my craft drawer. Once they dried, we filled them with Hershey's miniatures and set them out in the dining room. I made one for each of the kids, as well as each of their teachers. Now if we could just find some time this week to carve our pumpkins!


Our Complete Family said...

Uh oh. We could have been air cast twins for Halloween! Mine is much better now, but still kinda swollen and sore. Oh, to be a kid again and rebound so quickly!!! Your tins look AWESOME! I know their teachers loved them! I need to post a pic of our goody bags. Yep, I'm way late in doing the Halloween blog pics. I'll get there though. Hey, if you're still sore, have a glass of wine tonight...that has helped me out!!! ;) Love and hugs, Les

Our Complete Family said...

Melissa~ Where are you in blogland? I bet you have some great Christmas pics to post about...hint, hint, hint!
Loved your Christmas card photo and newsletter. It is always so fun to read!
Love you~ Les